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Chelmsford Young Generation is a music and drama society (charity registered) for young people aged 8 to 18, established in 1968. Boys and girls work with professional directors to perform two shows each year at the Civic Theatre and the Cramphorn Theatre in Chelmsford.

The fact that Young Gen work with professional directors allied with the hard work and dedication from the young people on stage and the myriad of volunteers who help out with the many aspects of putting on a great show, from the wardrobe department through to the set builders and backstage crew, allows the society to produce performances of the highest calibre.

Being a member of Young Gen gives young people an extremely wide range of life skills. Working as part of a dedicated team of people of all ages from diverse backgrounds, gives the “Young Genners” a unique opportunity to grow in confidence on an individual basis as well as being part of a group that strives, not only to put on tremendous shows but to have fun and develop new skills while doing so.