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Welcome to the first blog of the Young Gen support crew, otherwise known as The Invisibles, invisible because we work behind the scenes to support the performers in many and varied ways from costumes, to make up, to set building, to props, to stage crew, to painting, to clearing gutters and anything else that needs to be done to ensure the smooth running of Young Gen and HQ!

 At the moment there are no large sets to build so the workshop team are having a big clear up and re-organisation. Once the clear up is done then Marion “Legally Blonde” will be leading a team to hopefully sort and catalogue the sets and props so that we can better know what lies in the “Aladdin” cave which is the workshop and storage area.

Also at that point, Mark will head up a team to produce an up to date risk assessment “Little Shop of Horrors” for the whole area. Chris is currently in charge of cleaning and painting the outside doors “Paint Your Wagon” and Barry is psyching himself up to clear the downpipes and take his oxygen tank up onto the roof to clean the skylights “Fiddler On the Roof”. Terry and Geoff are working in the loft “Wuthering Heights” on a new archive room before turning their attention to organising the re-decoration of the rehearsal room after summer school and before “Joseph” begins in earnest. While Pat is indisposed “My Fair Lady” (Get well soon Pat!) Clive has expanded his role as shop steward to do an admirable job of making the teas and coffees as well “Buddy”.

As you can see, there is always plenty to do and there is never enough time or enough people to do it so if you think you can help “Guys and Dolls” in any way please feel free to speak to any of us and don’t think you need to be an expert in anything.

Some of us didn’t know which end of a saw to hold this time last year “Spamalot”.

To be fair we still struggle with screwdrivers but so far, touch wood, nobody has been screwed to a wall!

That’s all for now but we will endeavour to keep you up to speed with what the Young Gen Barmy Army are up to.

So have a good summer!

Wicked !