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Well! It seems like only last year we updated the blog. Oh yeah, it is………..

Since last time Joseph has been and gone and Pharaoh has left the building. The cast were, as usual, superb and the show was excellent. From a backstage point of view it was as slick as ever with the whole crew (chaperones, props, makeup, stagecrew and Uncle Tom Cobbly and all……) working together superbly, a 10 from Len!!!

The difference, for us, this time was the Joseph Megamix which the crew performed for the cast in between shows on the Saturday. What started out as a seed of an idea about a lark about on YouTube snowballed into a fully choreographed 6 minute number in front of over a hundred people!!!

We think the audience enjoyed it almost as much as we did and I am sure that if any of you want to see it a member of the crew can lend you a copy of the DVD…….Also available from K Tel !

Many thanks to all concerned (theatre lighting crew, sound crew, director Nicky, makeup department, cast, our agent, my mother, Tim Pasta and Andrew Lloyd Webfeet, Elvis the pelvis, THE SHEEP !! and anyone else who knows us……………).

So we thought you would like to see our view of Joseph, leading up to the show and show week…

So here’s a “petite montage” of our snaps…

Next on the agenda is Greaseand as Vince Fontaine would say….

If you’ve got the looks, then grab your books, don’t be fool get back to school and grab your tools and come help out with the stage crew dudes….….

So anyone who thinks they might want to get involved with the set, costume, makeup, admin, props or anything else just have a word with any one of us.

We are usually the ones at rehearsals with the coffee and biscuits in our hands.

And don’t worry about not knowing anything about it all, neither do we but we talk a good talk!!!!

So watch out for our next blog for …..

Grease…. Ya Dig !!!