Chelmsford Young Generation is not a stage or theatre school so we do not charge expensive term fees for ‘lessons’ – instead we prefer learning through experience.
We want all children to have the opportunity to experience the thrill of putting on a show so we try to keep costs to a minimum – there are no costume charges and no audition fees, just a set show fee and a yearly membership fee of just £15 – yes JUST £15!
But be warned – it’s addictive! From auditions, to weekly music calls, setting calls, and rehearsals, to the final dress rehearsal and technical rehearsal, before the all important ‘opening night,’ you will spend five months learning a show and in the process will receive the most intensive professional musical theatre training available locally.
Once a Young-Genner always a Young-Genner – most of our members stay with us until they reach 18 and are required to ‘move on’ to adult groups – and even then they keep popping back to help out or just to say hello.
So go on give us a try!
Joining Young Gen is easy, fill in the form below and someone will get back to you.
Membership for the first year is £15.00. Children have to have reached the age of 8 years to become a member and audition for any show. You will receive a Young-Gen T shirt and a membership card. Subsequent years is £5 membership and you can purchase a T shirt separately.
To start with you will need the following:
- Black jazz shoes
- Black comfortable trousers, track bottoms are fine
- Black jazz shoes
- Black character shoes
- Black circle skirt
If you are successful during auditions and become a member of the cast you have to pay a show fee. This fee is used in a variety of ways toward the production. The show fee varies from show to show, however this also includes the cost of your script; these are either purchased outright or hired and returned.
Young Gen has a huge wardrobe department, if they do not have what is needed costumes are hired at great expense but this cost is covered by the society. However, sometimes a little help is required and parents or members are asked to provide things for their own costume. This could range from simple inexpensive items such as belts and a shirt in a specified colour or a particular colour shoe.
Young Gen members use charity shops and their dress making skills if they have then to fulfil these requirements. In reception we have a for sale notice for those who have things that no longer fit them and a wanted board for those who need something that someone might be prepared to loan.
Young-Gen rehearse at their own purpose built hall in Meteor Way, Chelmsford. Rehearsals take place on Thursday evenings from 7:30pm to 9.45pm and all day Saturday from 10am to 5pm.