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I myself was a Young Genner (am a Young Genner, it stays with you forever) and mere words cannot capture the effect it has had on my life. Before I went there I was so cripplingly anxious I was incapable of conversation, the Young Gen family allowed me to come out from behind my long closed doors and engage with those around me, forming friendships and relationships and loves (and losses) that have stayed with me to this very day, and I have no doubt will be with me for the rest of my life.  Alongside this it allowed me to develop my passion for performance and creation, which is now my profession, my daily bread. I am an actor and a musician, two loves learned at Young Gen; Two crafts honed at Young Gen.  And it’s not just me, there are many others like me developed and nurtured at Young Gen now carving their own paths in the performing arts. But one day we will grow up, grow old, go off, and there need to be people like us to take our place and fill our shoes in ways we never thought possible. They are the next generation. The Young Generation.

About Us

Chelmsford Young Generation is a music and drama society (charity registered) for young people aged 8 to 18, established in 1968. They work with professional directors to perform two shows each year at the Chelmsford Theatre.
